What We Charge?

Please believe us when we say - in our profession, billing is our lease favorite.  We'd much prefer to do your work for free - but we must pay the bills in order to continue doing first class business for our clients. Therefore, we invoice at the end of each month - unless other arrangements have been made.  Your invoice contains a detailed explanation for all charges. Despite our exceptional skills, we're not clairvoyant or mind readers.  For that reason, we provide you with "our best estimate" before work commences, and we closely monitor progress and costs.  Therefore, if it appears our original estimate is not accurate, we will alert you and discuss contingencies.

Public Relations Services: . $200 includes: Press Kit (other services are provided w/ fee)

Graphic Designing Services: We charge $20 hr. 

Secretarial Services: We charge by the hour, $25 hr. determining on what type of services are requested..